Faith Among Friends
What Your Friends Don’t Know Won’t Hurt You - But it Just Might Haunt You.
As five old friends reunite in a familiar old hang-out forty years after they first met secrets are revealed, old wounds resurface and chilling lies reopen resentments that still leave a chill between them. The startling torments of youth haunt the present with a passionate reminder that old friendships can reopen and heal the wounds of youth. When Vivian Forrester gets her old friends together to admit to a startling lie, a chilling omission, it will not be easy.
Praise for this book
Cook’s storytelling is deeply poignant, blending suspense with raw emotional depth. "Faith Among Friends" is a thought-provoking novel perfect for readers who appreciate character-driven dramas that explore the impact of past choices. A must-read for those who enjoy compelling narratives about love, loss, and the ties that bind us.
Be ready to see what goes on behind closed doors for a fun-loving group of tall thespians - including lies, discretions, and lots of coupling! This book is a light read along the lines of television series "Sex and the City" and "Friends" where after a few episodes/chapters you get "into" the characters and enjoy seeing how their lives and relationships with each other change over the years. It would work well as a movie because it transitions back and forth between different time periods (and it would be wonderful to see these beautiful people!) I personally enjoyed it because I'm the same age as the characters at the end of the book, in my late 50's and marveling as they are: "Could I finally be grown up?" It would be nice to have added a final scene in present day to see if they stuck with their partners and homes or if some people never change. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.